My Journey Through The Mother Land

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swing Set Satisfaction

As I am sure you know by now, I don't have patience for craft-like things. This includes reading instructions.

For my son and daughter's birthdays this year we combined all the money they received from loved ones (THANK YOU!) and purchased this awesome swingset I won't have to refinish each year.

So when it arrived via big big truck, I skipped out to meet the truck driver. And as required; had my brother help me carry the massive thing in the back yard. I warned Mr Thurgood and Uncle ahead of time that they would have to assemble it together--if I had picture proof of some of the items I've tried to assemble you would know why.

So there the swing set sat in a box in our backyard and I just stared at it. It was then that I decided to have my brother help me move it to where it would actually stand for the duration of it's life. He complied.

Now I stood looking at it all cramped up in its box where it would eventually be able to stretch its wings. I then looked at the time (approx 11:20) and did the math in my head (shocker, I know). Mr. Thurgood would be home @ 6PM that night. Good gracious that was a long time for the playset to just sit there.

Yes, you guessed it. I sent my son (the one that can guilt trip uncle the best) to ask my brother to put up the swing set with me. He complied again :) I was elated!

Now you must know that Uncle's patience for assembling things is similar to mine (must be on my Dads side of the family. Dad?) So picture us on one of the hottest days of the week....outside, READING instructions and actually trying to follow them!

Its was quite the comical experience. We know that if we were ever on a reality TV team, we would be America's favorite!

Our little jabs at one another. Our jokes...laughter, frustration, arguments about which piece the instructions were refering to, and the victory dances we performed for whomever was right, was truly a sight to see!

The highlight of the assembly was the point at which Uncle suggested that we just throw out a piece that just wasn't fitting right! I envisioned my children trying to swing and the whole set falling down on that didn't last long.

But my dear friends 5 HOT SUNNY HOURS LATER we finished!

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