My Journey Through The Mother Land

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Construction Birthday Party

My son turned 3 years old. So, after his second birthday last year, I began planning this:

The real challenge will come when the lil' guy gets to choose his theme....until then, I'm having fun!
One of my favorite things about decorating this party was the "steam" coming from the Sprinkler/electrical box on the front lawn.The little workers took home hard hats, and work belts with "tool stickers", trail mix, granola bar, timecard, and toy tools.Blocks were just one of the stations they could choose to use their construction skills onA leveler was a great centerpeice and balloon weight. Grammy & Tati bought the birthday boy a truck that you could didn't last on the table very long. Blue prints were great table cloths and wall decor!

birthday continued....

I asked Mr. Thurgood to make a wrecking ball for the kids. The kids seemed to enjoy it.
I have yet to produce a traditional cake for my kids birthdays. This year...dirt cake...worms included.
A toolbox was perfect for fruits and veggies. Parents received sub sandwiches as well as bottled juice and chips. Children had brown paper sacks for their lunch breaks with a PB&J sandwich, juice box, gogurt, and fruit snacks.
Kids can be mighty creative with a tire. We also had a small bounce house as well as a wheel barrel with packaging peanuts for the kids to dig in.

birthday continued again....

Styrafoam and golf tees made a great pretend hammering station.
And black and decker worked for other hardware needs.
Invites were time cards. The Envelopes were adorned with tire treads.

Classroom Treats

My son is attending a mini preschool class one day a week for a couple of hours! With his birthday a day later, it was the perfect time to celebrate with his classmates. I began thinking of things I could send or make for the special celebration but I was stumped. I searched online only to become paranoid due to food allergies etc.

A note was sent home with instructions, but nothing specified restrictions, so I decided to send a few items. I ended up making "Stick-wiches" thanks to an idea found on , and accompanied that with capri suns & a granola bar!

I thought the little sandwiches were so cute I wanted to share it with you.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Kite Bummer

The weather started to perk up the week Mr. Thurgood was gone, so while the kids and I were outside I decided to "make" a kite for us to fly.

I am that person that doesn't really enjoy putting things together while reading instructions, or doing crafts i.e. sewing etc. I feel like it takes too much time & I simply want it to be done.

So I scrounged up what materials I thought would work best and put my magic fingers to work.

The result. a duct tape pile of junk! the only thing that was flying were words of what a brainiac idea it was for me to waste time trying to do it!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Mom Song

As my single-mother week drew to a close, I received this video via email from my old roommate Becca (thanks girl, just what I needed).

To All Mothers...I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Daddy Time

Is it apparent I am on a, "We Need Daddy" kick? My mom sent me this commercial today, and I love it. Wanted to share it with you. Because you know how passionate I am about fathers being "involved".

Side Note

I forgot to mention; and frankly just plain forgot...the piece of humble pie my son served me last night at the end of my chaotic day. Frazzled and ready for bed, I asked him what story he wanted me to read him. He chose, "Love You Forever." My mouth suddenly became dry as I had a mental picture of Momzilla...aka me.

So I choked through the story as I learned a good lesson about what really matters most. And hoped that at the end of the day, no matter how many ugly-mad-mom-faces I make at the kiddos, they know I will always love them.

The Prayer of the Alone Mother...

You know those days where you say so many prayers to the Lord above, you think you must be the most religious person on earth...for the day at least? Yesterday was just one of those days.

You see, when Mr. Thurgood leaves town for his week long business trips (and no ladies, he's not supporting another family on the side...he's seen my karate chop moves & fears for his life) it is usually tantamount to a nervous breakdown.

I always wished I was one of those women who was like, "Oh, I didn't even notice you were gone!" but I'm not. I'm the one that is handing him the crying child as he walks through the door...grabbing the keys and going to WAL-MART just to get away...sad, I guess.

I am not ashamed to admit, though, that the man my children call Dad is an involved father in their lives. This is for many reasons, but most importantly because its what I feel my children need. No bad can come from this. As a matter of fact, I am trying ot think of a time when I've heard friends or neighbors growing up complain, "Man, I am so tired of my dad hanging out with me, taking me to do things with him, and finding common interests. I wish he would just ignore me like my other friends dad does so I can search for love in all the wrong places, perhaps join a gang, or start doing drugs." (Can you feel my inner drama queen coming out today?)

Anyway, so with Mr. Thurgood out of town, the children begin their roles of "children during a full moon" they've gotten it down to an art now and would rival any of the up and coming celebrties for best actor/actress.

Those of you who are left for hours, days, or (heaven help you) even weeks etc. husbandless know that when their gone the worst usually happens. Through hours of whinning, crying, accidents, vomitting, threats, timeouts, I found myself constantly praying, "Heavenly Father, HELP ME to have the strength to make it through this day"....deep breath.

So far, this has been my saving grace because we have had zero casualities! Last night the Lord sent my brother as an answer to my prayers. I must've passed out on the bed from sheer emotional exhaustion when I heard the garage door open and soon thereafter close. My first half-comotose thought was, "did I just sleep the week away? Is my husband finally home?" but then I jumped out of bed and looked out the window to see my HERO pulling bags of groceries out of his car! I quickly ran downstairs to move my car to one side of the garage (I tend to hog the garage, like the bed, when my hubby leaves town). Had I not been so delirious, I would have cried because I hadn't gone shopping this week and was starting to cook up some MIGHTY creative creations for the kids for meals :) I quickly started helping my brother unload the groceries, hoping I wouldn't really wake up from a dream, when I said to him, "Thank you SO much, I could kiss you right now." And the moment of truth that separated my dreamy state from reality...his angelic response, "Don't touch me." I was in heaven.

Somehow knowing that my brother was there to help, feed the needy, and listen to the poor (I started talking his ear off--so grateful to be conversing with an adult) made me a little more vigorous about getting up to face yet another day without Daddy.

So call me a wuss. I freely admit that I depend on my husband to be an active role in my children's lives. To come home, eat dinner with us, and play with the kids for an hour or two until we put them to bed together. Then enjoy our quite time etc. This somehow seems to work well for my family. And it sure produces a better variety in conversation with my Heavenly Father. :)