Certainly I had seen a mug before in my life, but never one like this. It seemed to have a power to it all by itself. I was convinced, as I was not a lover or water intake previously, that if I had a jug like that, I WOULD drink more water :)
One day, I got up enough nerve to ask a friend of mine. The answer? The mug was given to her from the hospital she delivered her child in.
Well, that was a problem for me, because this little thurgood family wasn't planning on adding another thurgood to the family for a few years. But I wanted a MUG!
I searched dear friends. I searched at grocery stores, discount stores, and second hand stores for a mug to hold with pride....so that I could be a better drinker of water-of course!
My search was in vain. I could find nothing of the sort. So I did the best I could to try and remove the thought from my mind.
Fast forward to 2006. I SHOULD NOT complain, but for the sake of reliving it, lets just say I progress to the point of first stage labor in my final month of pregnancy. So I waddle around with water retention that would make an elephant look like a ANT and feel like all my insides are going to fall out.
On my way to the hospital I request a LARGE cup of juice and a nice juicy burger (don't judge ya'll) I knew they were going to make me STARVE...and heaven help me, if I didn't make it out alive at least I was going to savour my last meal :)
Fast forward to the delivery room....I was told I could suck on ICE CHIPS! (I was prepared for this) but really hoped they'd bring it in with that special mug all of my other mother-friends possessed in their homes.
Nope. Styrofoam.
My little Thurgood was born just after midnight and I could not have been happier. There was a lot of work involved in between, but you get the point.
As soon as the tyke was out and I was watching Apgar test etc. being performed I motioned to the hubs to grab my "back up drink" because I was THIRSTY!
I chugged that juice faster than a freshman frat boy at a party! I was parched! A nurse picked up on it and sent for water....
I was thankful I had my emergency supply of strawberry banana sobe, because whomever retrieved my water took forever.
I enjoyed my bonding time with Thurgood #3, and once the nurse returned I felt her journey was worth the wait.
In she walked holding the much anticipated:
I finally earned it! I got to have my very own and no one could take it from me. It was mine!
It is silly how much importance I've placed in this little mug. But to me, it is a symbol of achievement. It is a symbol of sacrifice and love.
My brother, who likes to drink water in large quantities, borrowed my special mug unannounced to me once....I never saw my trophy again.
There were threats on his life made, demands that he march in to the hospital and get me another one etc. But BRO didn't get the special importance it had with me. So, I marched in myself and asked for another :) I was willing to pay folks. I was willing. But a nice nurse saw the look of panic on my face and sent me home with a duplicate trophy mug.
I have earned a second trophy since that tragic incident and I don't mind compiling them. I have become a much better water drinker....thanks to MY trophy mug.